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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Conformational Disease From Biochemical †Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Examine About The Conformational Disease From Biochemical? Answer: Introducation Phosphoglycerate kinase insufficiency is an acquired metabolic issue that once in a while happens in people, set apart by the lack of the catalyst phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK). It is a gathering of metabolic muscle maladies meddling with the starch digestion inside the body, and inevitably the creation of vitality for typical body working. The chemical is responsible for separating of glycogen atom inside the body. PGK is a significant compound engaged with the glycolytic pathway that does the catalysis of the transformation of 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate into brain research cerate and age ATP. PGK is in rivalry with the catalyst diphosphoglycerate mutase (DPGM) for the substrate 1,3 DPG in the response. The option steering of glycolytic intermediates is known as the vitality grip of glycolysis. At the point when glycolysis happens, the basic sugar atoms are separated to offer ascent to vitality as ATP. It is to be noticed that the protein is omnipresent as its appearance is found in all tissues except for testicles. The lack is an intrinsic mistake that is acquired in a X-connected way. The quality whose change prompts this insufficiency is Xq13, present on the X chromosome. Various changes have been distinguished however the variables for clinical appearances are as yet obscure (1). Transformations occurring in the PGK1 quality prompts a decrease of the action of phosphoglycerate kinase, accordingly disturbing the creation of vitality. Th extreme outcome is cell demise or cell harm. There is little data on the explanations behind this variation from the norm to specially affect synapses in certain individuals and red platelets in others. Manifestations of this issue incorporate haemolytic iron deficiency that is lower levels of circling red platelets, the weakened state of discourse and composing, debilitated state of scholarly capacity, agony and firmness because of activity, spleen amplification and hemiplegia or loss of motion of the body on one side (2). Research Present research on phosphoglycerate kinase insufficiency is going on over the globe with a unique spotlight on the development of a superior conclusion strategy that would allow beginning time ID of in danger people. Creature models are being built up that would help in understanding the infection in a superior way. Improvement of quality treatments and protein substitution treatments are additionally on the ist of targets for additional examination (3). Analysis The three essential highlights of phosphoglycerate kinase inadequacy are a scholarly inability, hemolytic pallor and muscle issues. An individual experiencing this ailment may be influenced by more than one of the referenced attributes; be that as it may, all the three signs are uncommon to be available in one person. It is to be noticed that the vast majority of the patients enduring this condition are influenced to a moderate level. The confusion is totally communicated in guys just while heterozygous females experience the ill effects of mellow haemolytic sickliness without any indications of scholarly handicap or myopathy. Myopathy alongside muscle plain, issues and firmness are shown in youthful male and young people. Myoglobinuria is found in instances of extreme scenes (4). The conclusion is done dependent on physical assessment, and research center outcomes affirm the equivalent. Biochemical examinations include a sign of low muscle PGK compound action and low erythrocyte (be neath 25% and 23% individually). The differential conclusion must incorporate other causative components for innate nonspherocytic hemolytic pallor. Atomic pre-birth determination is normally accomplished for a record case. Business of the sickness is conceivable during childbirth if enzymatic testing is completed. Treatment Treatment of PGK lack normally mulls over iron enhancements along with blood transfusions relying upon the seriousness of the patient condition. A splenectomy is a possibility for patients who have expansion of the spleen, and this strategy has been end up being viable for certain cases. It is significant that an individual maintains a strategic distance from exhausting activity when there means that muscle breakdown and under such conditions, uncommon consideration is required to be taken. The neurologic emergency requests total rest with the goal that perilous circumstances don't emerge. When there is serious neurological disintegration, bone marrow transplant is an alternative (5). Hereditary guiding has been shown to give a few advantages for the patients just as their families. Other treatment choices are strong (6). Strategy The Australian Research Council has continually been supporting the exploration on various huge subjects according to digestion, which incorporates PGK lack. According to the Australian Research Council (ARC) Medical Research Policy subsidizing is being distributed for future research. This subsidizing is either legitimately or in a joint effort with the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC). The arrangement expects research to be done on parts of helpful methodologies and bioengineering, which are fundamental parts of PGK insufficiency look into (7). References Tamai M, Kawano T, Saito R, Sakurai K, Saito Y, Yamada H et al. Phosphoglycerate kinase insufficiency because of a novel change (c. 1180AG) showing as ceaseless hemolytic frailty in a Japanese kid. Universal Journal of Hematology. 2014;100(4):accounting. Chiarelli L, Morera S, Bianchi P, Fermo E, Zanella A, Galizzi An et al. Sub-atomic Insights on Pathogenic Effects of Mutations Causing Phosphoglycerate Kinase Deficiency. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(2):e32065. Lopez-Manzaneda S, Torres R, Olivier E, Garcia-Torralba A, Sanchez-Dominguez R, Alberquilla O, Mountford J, Ramirez JC, Bueren JA, Segovia JC. Displaying pyruvate kinase insufficiency in human forebears utilizing crispr/cas9. Haematologica 2017 Jun 26;102: 446-446. Pey AL, Maggi M, Valentini G. Experiences into human phosphoglycerate kinase 1 lack as a conformational ailment from biochemical, biophysical, and in vitro articulation examinations. Diary of acquired metabolic illness. 2014 Nov 1;37(6):909-16. Garcia-Gomez M, Calabria A, Garcia-Bravo M, Benedicenti F, Kosinski P, Lpez-Manzaneda S, Hill C, del Mar Mau-Pereira M, Martn MA, Orman I, Vives-Corrons JL. Sheltered and effective quality treatment for pyruvate kinase inadequacy. Atomic Therapy. 2016 Jul 1;24(7):1187-98. Saudubray JM, Baumgartner MR, Walter J, editors. Inalienable metabolic infections: analysis and treatment. The board; 2016 Nov 10. Bend Medical Research Policy | Australian Research Council [Internet]. Arc.gov.au. 2017 [cited 16 September 2017]. Accessible from: https://www.arc.gov.au/curve clinical research-strategy
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Market Structure Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Market Structure - Research Paper Example any new firm can enter the market on account of no limitations, for example, high arrangement cost, lawful obstructions or some other. All the organizations are gaining typical benefit as there is solid rivalry inside the business. Besides, homogenous items are delivered, for example all items are indistinguishable or normalized and are substitutes of one another, along these lines having a similar cost too (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). A blemished rivalry is the place there are very few makers in the market and there is less rivalry as purchasers and venders are not completely mindful of the costs so various costs exist for same item in the market (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). There are three types of a blemished market: Monopolistic Competition: Under this structure, there are scarcely any merchants as comparedwith flawless rivalry and the items created are separated because of marking, which gives the maker an approach to have his own estimating strategy and accordingly can acquir e more than ordinary benefits (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). Oligopoly: there are a couple of providers in the market in this structure, and each provider has a considerable command over the costs, and yield created in light of the fact that couple of providers control the whole gracefully in the market. There is solid adversary awareness due to the association of providers. There is a chance of item separation just as substitute items, and the value yield strategy of every provider relies on the level of homogeneity or heterogeneity (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). Imposing business model: There is a solitary dealer or maker who controls the whole market. As he controls the entire gracefully, he can fix the cost and gain anomalous benefits. There are high boundaries to passage and exit from this industry, which keeps contenders from going into it (â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). It’s a one firm industry wherein there is no requirement for separation in light of the fact that no sub stitutes are accessible. There is a solitary item totally heavily influenced by a monopolist who is the value maker(â€Å"Dewett, 1983†). 2. Recognize one genuine case of a market structure in your neighborhood city and relate your guide to every one of the qualities of the market. There are various enterprises or markets working in a city, with every one of them following an alternate market structure as indicated by the idea of the business there. One such prevailing industry is the women’s dress, which is working in the monopolistic rivalry showcase structure. It is a genuine case of this structure, and one can plainly classify its highlights as those present in this market structure. There is a high number of merchants in the market with each delivering a separated item and vigorously publicizing and elevating its image name to make client mindfulness. The point of firms is to case brand faithfulness, which permits them to charge a more significant expense than the ir rival, implying that venders have some command over cost however not full control in view of their interdependency. In since quite a while ago run, firm with compelling promoting and development will just gain typical benefits as a result of the opposition as it won't have the option to charge too high a cost. Be that as it may, in short run, a few firms can win unusual benefits with their non-value rivalry, quality, plan or alluring publicizing, much the same as in women’s attire. The items are created practically same style aside from some variety in the plans, quality and a solid brand name related with it. There is
Monday, July 27, 2020
MeisterLabs Community Round-Up 5 Inspiring Team Workflows
MeisterLabs Community Round-Up 5 Inspiring Team Workflows 2017 has been a rollercoaster for many of us. However, hearing from teams around the world who are using MindMeister and MeisterTask to achieve inspiring things has been a high point for us here at MeisterLabs. So, whether you’re counting down the days for this year to be over, or trying to squeeze every last drop out of 2017, we thought we’d share some highlights from the MeisterLabs community you might even like to steal some of these workflows for yourself ?? 1. Helping Teachers in Iowas Schools with the Email to Task Zap With emails flooding in from clients, colleagues, and stakeholders on a daily basis, your inbox can really take a hit. Aaron Roberts, the Innovation Coach for Mason City Schools, shared how this occurs in his work: “My job as the Innovation Coach is similar to the work of a consultant. Teachers are my clients, so I have a great deal of teacher questions rolling into my inbox daily,†To help Aaron manage these emails, he set up a Zap, from Zapier, that converts labeled Gmail messages into MeisterTask tasks. For example, by labeling an email as “Middle school teacher needsâ€, the email is added automatically as a task to the relevant section of Aaron’s teacher request project board. Without lifting a finger, Aaron’s important emails are turned into tasks, including: the email subject line forming the task name the body of the email forming the task description and the teacher’s email address included in the task description, for an efficient response. “I can be an emailaholic,†Aaron shares. “Thankfully, MeisterTask keeps our team out of our email and focused on the bigger picture, while still managing the day-to-day client needs.†Read Aaron’s story here. 2. Working Remotely to Provide Sustainable Housing Across Europe The Building and Energy Conservation Bureau (ESEB) is an NGO working tirelessly to provide European citizens with long-lasting homes that are safe, warm, environmentally friendly and affordable. Image from ESEB’s Facebook Page. However, with their headquarters in Riga, Latvia but their team spread throughout Europe, the team were facing a collaboration problem: “The biggest issue we were facing was task management between remote team members,†ESEB’s Research Analyst, MartinÅ¡ Miezis, shared with us. “We needed a solution that would display and help to manage the tasks that each employee was working on.†Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Weekly Strategy Meeting on MindMeister. As a result, the team began using MindMeister to hold meetings across their locations, before converting the plans into actionable, assigned tasks in MeisterTask, via the integration. Subsequently, everyone is clear on project progress, no matter their location. Plus, according to the team, they’ve been delivering their housing projects to deadline, and collaboratively, ever since. Read ESEB’s story here. Make every team meeting effectivewith mind maps with MindMeister with MindMeister 3. Designing Extraordinary Events with Project Scope Mind Maps Event Design Collective is an organization developing innovative ways to plan and implement impactful events. In order to help clients to design and execute these events, the team uses MindMeister to visually share their creative vision with clients. “We use MindMeister to map out and research the event design projects, as well as begin the planning of the design,†Managing Partner and Co-Founder, Ruud Janssen shared. “We find MindMeister particularly useful for sorting out complex problems and getting a clear first picture of the scope, time and research required by new projects.†The mind map, demonstrating project scope and vision, is shared with the client for feedback, ensuring all requirements are agreed upon, before going on to develop a collaborative project plan and roadmap. Read Event Design Collective’s story here. 4. Using Task Checklists and Due Dates to Run the Perfect Wedding Wedding days can be pretty high-pressure. Couples have likely planned their big day for months or even years beforehand, organizing every minute detail to a T. Being part of rolling out this special and precise vision is a big responsibility. Wedding Photographer, Martina Lundborg, shared with us how she uses MeisterTask to help ensure the weddings are just as perfect as planned: “One of the worst things that can happen at a wedding is that you forget something essential. To ensure this doesn’t happen, I have a task per client in MeisterTask, including a checklist of everything I need to remember,†Lundborg shared. “Within the task, I can keep adding items to the checklist as they arise, such as a specific lens I might need for an outdoor wedding or a change of shoes for the 12+ hours of non-stop shooting. I then set the task due date to be a day or so before the wedding, to remind myself to pack all essential belongings!†With this new workflow, Martinas business is growing and partnerships with other wedding photographers are now on the cards: “I’ve always worked alone as a wedding photographer but I’m starting to get involved with projects that involve cooperating more with other photographers in Sweden projects that I would never have considered since the management would take too much time. However, since I’ve worked out a much better workflow , although it sounds cliché, anything now feels possible!†Read Martina’s story here. Productive task managementmade simple 5. Building Beautiful Digital Marketing Solutions Transparently Earlier this year, we heard from Dutch creative agency We Brand Creative about how they manage client liaison transparently, by creating a new MeisterTask project board for each new client they work with. The team then invites their client to collaborate in the project, providing a visual project roadmap and allowing their clients to track project progress transparently, via the Kanban workflow. Each of their project boards includes the tasks agreed upon with the client and the stage that each task is at in the journey to completion. For example, the team has a section for ‘In Progress *Client Name*’, including all tasks that are in progress but currently with the client for feedback. This feedback can then be given via the inbuilt task commenting features, or within documents attached to the task. “We’ve long been looking for a tool that allows us to work with our clients in an accessible way,†Wouter Zwarekant, Creative Director of We Brand Creative shared. “ we can simply provide clients with access to the relevant project, and because MeisterTask can be used via the web, mobile, and desktop apps, it’s a solution that every client can work with.†Read We Brand Creative’s story here. The process of using MeisterTask for client liaison will soon be even easier with roles permissions a new feature available on our upcoming MeisterTask Business plan. Keep your eyes peeled for our January announcement! So there’s our round-up of five ways teams have used MindMeister and MeisterTask to achieve inspiring things in 2017 and the workflows they used to do so! Do you have a story you’d like to share on how you’re using MindMeister and/or MeisterTask to achieve great things? Get in touch! In the meantime, wishing you all a great holiday period and a happy new year from the whole team at MeisterLabs! Save 30% on MindMeister MeisterTask
Friday, May 22, 2020
Hamlets Loneliness Essay example - 648 Words
One would agree that Hamlet was a lonely character. In the entire play he isolated himself because of the things that he did and the secrets that he had. He had very few friends and he started to not trust humanity. His loneliness was a major contributor to his tragic downfall. The reason for this is because it kept him away from his friend and family and then eventually it started to make him go crazy and make the wrong decisions or so he wanted it to seem. According to the play Hamlet was informed that his Uncle killed his father. He did not want to let anyone know the news that he found out about his father’s death. He also did not want to tell anyone that he knew about the ghost of his father. He couldnt even trust his friends and†¦show more content†¦According to Shakespeare, Never make known what you have seen tonight (act 1 scene 5 144). Hamlet knew that his uncle killed his father but he didn’t even want anyone to know what he knew about the death of hi s father. The reason why he did not want anyone to know was because he wanted to get his revenge for his father’s death. Hamlet decided to create a plan to get revenge for his father’s death. He planned on pretending he was crazy so that he could easily create his revenge plans. As time went on with him creating his plan, Hamlet became more and more lonely. As Shakespeare says, ...it goes so heavily with my disposition that this goodly frame, the earth seems to me a sterile promontory; this most excellent canopy, the air, look you, this brave oer hanging firmament, this majestical roof fretted with golden fire-why it appears nothing to me but a foul and pestilent congregation of vapors...( act 2 scene 1 289). Hamlet didn’t care much about anything else but getting his revenge. He totally ignored everyone around him while trying to figure out what he was going to do next. Hamlet didn’t trust to tell anyone what he knew and what he planned to do. This caused him to keep everything inside of him. By doing this he was hurting himself. He felt pain inside but could not let because then he would be letting out his secrets. He was forced to betray his love Ophelia. She loved him so much but he was too involved inShow MoreRelatedShakespeare s Madness : A Timeless Reflection Of Society1535 Words  | 7 Pagesfrom more relatable issues like the paranoia and loneliness of the characters, and this madness inevitably leads to their destruction. Shakespeare leaves it up to the interpretation of the reader to decide how each character’s downfall was affected by insanity; but at the same time, he masterfully makes the character’s irrational actions connect to situations that are evident all throughout society. The root of everyone’s despair might be Hamlet’s mother, Gertrude. Her madness was not as profoundRead MoreHamlet ´s Treatment of Ophelia and Gertrude Essay1680 Words  | 7 Pagesforms of parent to child and from lover to lover is an addictive element which can result in loneliness and lead to madness to those who lose it forever. Hamlets relationship with Gertrude and Ophelia is quick to fall apart after he learns key information about his parentage. Both Gertrude and Ophelia provide him with love but are absent at a time when he needs it most; during the reign of his madness. Hamlets madness is partly evident due to his poor relationship with Gertrude and Ophelia, since theyRead MoreThe Heart of Hamlet’s Mystery1210 Words  | 5 Pagesfollows from emptiness does not change any individual’s choices, but even the hero Hamlet a â€Å"Prince to continue his strange behavior†¦because he himself has committed murder†falls victim to the dangers of loss (Werder). Karl Werder writes â€Å"The Heart of Hamlet’s Mystery†in order to further explain why losing a relationship with something important can change the decisions of an individual. Hamlet transforms from a hero into a confused wanderer that tries to find what he needs to do in order to patch theRead MoreVacillation and Determination of Hamlet Essay661 Words  | 3 Pagesprofound questions, seeking truth and understanding as he tries to avenge his fathers death. Throughout the play, hamlet’s perpetual challenging of himself and his actions makes him unable to act on his inclinations consistently. Hamlet is restrained by his excessive consideration of religious morals and beliefs as well as his fear of fatality. 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Although, minimal arguments have been made about Hamlet’s pessimism. Hamlet is one of Shakespeare s most pessimistic plays, and as such it delivers the message that in a fallen world, reality often fails to match the ideal. The human experiences held up for pessimistic contemplation in Hamlet includes death, grief, loneliness, insanity, loss of meaning inRead MoreWilliam Shakespeare s Hamlet Essay902 Words  | 4 Pagesthe drama concentrates on Hamlet’s inner struggle to take action. Actually, the reality requires Hamlet to take action, but he hesitate d. Hamlet is rarely initiative, he mostly was inspired and motivated by his father s ghost so that we can find that Hamlet s revenge is beyond his control. In the play, â€Å"GHOST: I am thy father s spirit, Doomed for a certain term to walk the night†¦..To ears of flesh and blood.†(Act I, Scene 5, P.1101), we are able to find that Hamlet’s revenge for his father’s murderRead MoreWilliam Shakespeares Hamlet As A Traditional Revenge Tragedy1380 Words  | 6 Pagesapproaches. Hamlet can be explained as a traditional revenge tragedy quite simply – Hamlet’s quest to avenge his murdered father, while ultimately successful, eventually concludes with his own destruction, and the ruin of all those around him (Lennard). In order to accomplish his vengeance, Hamlet unknowingly sacrifices those he loves, and himself in his entirety – the true tragedy of the play (Bradley). Hamlet’s thirst for revenge is what drives the work forward; though he is hesitant and slow inRead MoreAnalysis Of Hamlets Second Soliloquy981 Words  | 4 PagesI Hamlets second soliloquy, we face a determined Hamlet who is craving revenge for his father. â€Å"Ay, thou poor ghost, while memory holds a seat/ In this distracted globe. Remember thee!†Hamlet feels sorry for his father who was unable to repent of his sins and is therefore condemned to a time in purgatory. He promises his father that in spite of his mental state (he is distracted, confused a nd shocked) he will avenge his death. He holds him in the highest regards because he sees his father asRead MoreHamlet And Divisadero Analysis975 Words  | 4 Pagesrelate to. Though published in the 1600s by William Shakespeare, this play is vastly relevant as numerous people of varying ages and backgrounds are experiencing similar emotions displayed by Hamlet. Paralleling Hamlet to the story Divisadero, proves Hamlet’s circumstance does not only pertain to the play, rather in other scenarios, further confirming that it is relatable to people in real life. In addition to examining Hamlet, reading other pieces of literature is beneficial in further understanding
Saturday, May 9, 2020
The Not So Secret Code Essay - 1936 Words
The not so Secret Code Imagine a world in which men could act feminine and women could act masculine without being judged. Now try and identify why this may never happen. Men and women are both taught at an early age what they can and cannot do because of what gender they were born as; they are markedly similar in this aspect. There is a known gender stereotype for girls and boys, and the parents of these children enable these stereotypes from the day that they are born. girls are given pink clothes, and boys are given blue clothes. These colors set the rules of how they must behave for the rest of their lives, this idea is known as The Girl and Guy code. It is all black and white thinking, or in the case pink and blue. There is no in-between because once you stray from the code it is immediately recognized and looked down upon. Although the girl and guy code are almost polar opposites, they go hand in hand with one another because they are both used among society as a way to c reate a better image in front of others. The Woman looks better in the eyes of other women if she is more lady-like, and a man looks better in front of men if he is more manly; both genders deal with a heavy set of homosocial ideals. To start off with, the girl code is what makes a girl â€Å"lady-like†. In this set of rules, they are expected to know how to do housework, how to cook, and bluntly, how to not become a â€Å"slut†. In Jamaica Kindcaid’s Girl the mother of a young girl strongly urges herShow MoreRelatedThe Not So Secret Code Essay1933 Words  | 8 PagesThe not so Secret Code Imagine the world in which men could act feminine and women could act masculine without being judged. Now try and identify why this may never happen. Men and women are both taught at an early age what they can and cannot do because of what gender they were born as; they are markedly similar in this aspect. There is a known gender stereotype for girls and boys, and the parents of these children enable these stereotypes from the day that they are born. girls are given pinkRead MoreThe Da Vinci Code By Dan Brown1304 Words  | 6 Pagesabout the past. A book that represents this quote, is the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown. This book is the thrilling story of Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu in their hunt to solve the dying wish of Sophie’s grandfather. Not only does it contain a fantastic storyline, it also is full of rich history. John Paul Richter said history is like religion, it unites all learning and power and that is exactly what happens in the Da Vinci Code. His life was filled with many things that were hidden to the othersRead MoreThe KKK and Real Estate Essay1227 Words  | 5 PagesTo what extent are real estate agents similar to the Ku Klux Klan? There is no stronger incentive than fear. Clans and secret societies are everywhere; Lawyers, police man, business man, politicians, life insurance sellers, car sellers and real estate agents are just some examples .The difference between them and the Ku Klux Klan is the aim and the means used to achieve their objective. The Klan’s aims is â€Å"by force and terror ,to prevent al political action not in accord with the views of memberRead MoreThe Da Vinci Code: Faith, Fact, and the Conspiracies Behind Them1576 Words  | 7 PagesDictionary is, â€Å"a secret plot that is largely unknown to the general public†(Webster 84). Dan Brown focuses on an unusual conspiracy in his novel, The Da Vinci Code. The religious conspiracy theories suggested in this novel discuss secrets of epic proportions that have the potential to shatter the foundations of Christianity. â€Å"Behold the greatest cover-up in human history!†(270). Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code proves everybody loves a conspiracy. Throughout the novel, secrets are revealed thatRead MoreInfidelity and Confidentiality: A Dilema for Therapists Essays1399 Words  | 6 Pages What are the ethical concerns regarding this scenario? In one case we are keeping our client’s confidences, building trust and following all ethical codes of confidentiality. In another case, we could possibly cause harm by keeping the client’s spouse in the dark about the affair. The fact that we aid the spouse in harboring this secret can backfire once the spouse finds out that we were well aware of any and all high-risk behavior that will cause emotional distress as well as put him or herRead MoreEncryption Vs. Modern Society Essay1028 Words  | 5 Pagesthe encryption of computer data is becoming increasingly important since much sensitive information is stored on our hard drives and human based codes are simply too easy for a computer to solve. All forms of encryption are based on cryptology which is the science of analyzing and deciphering codes and ciphers and cryptograms. Cryptology and simple codes have been used as early as the Roman Empire. Encryption is used to ensure the confidentiality of a message that is being sent is not compromisedRead MoreUses And Uses Of Shoulder Surfing1461 Words  | 6 Pagessuffer from many weakness. In this research paper ,we see some common techniques to prevent our systems from shoulder surfing, like graphical passwords, face detection, pattern locking system in smart phones, graphical secret codes, S3PAS, Shuffling Text Method(STM), secret tap method, secret tap with double shift method and many more. We discussed some techniques in it. The well known vulnerabilities of the textual password are here. To overcome the problem in textual based passwords we use graphicalRead MoreA Brief Note On The World War II1317 Words  | 6 Pagescom/American) For the people who were in war they had a lot of extra tools to help them out. They had secret codes that were â€Å"Indecipherable†, they also had various different submarines, and along with that they had a heavy amount of aircraft.(world war II planes.com/Boeing) Although there are so many of these different types of weapons/tools I’m here to tell you about some of the many discrete ones. (Beaver) Codes, these are one of the many different ways World War II members would communicate with one anotherRead MoreThe Underground Railroad : The United States History1456 Words  | 6 Pageslesson plans to extend the experience with these books and to further explore United States history; however, what is depicted in these books have been consistently contested by quilt historians and folklorists This essay discusses the myth that secret codes were stitched into quilts to help slaves escape to freedom and why this myth continues today. After the Civil War, an explosion of published information in the form of diaries, letters, and autobiographies like Incidents in the Life of a SlaveRead MoreCode Of Ethics For Nurses1274 Words  | 6 PagesCode of Ethics for Nurses In the nursing profession, nurses often find ethical reasoning that not only evaluates actions and their results, but also questions why we perceive certain incidences to be paramount for us as humans. Ethics attempts to decide how actions are deemed right or wrong. The Code of ethics, which is a set of guidelines published by the International Council of Nurses, helps direct nurses in everyday decisions and it defends their refusal to take part in events that disagree with
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Popul Vuh Free Essays
There are many stories that talk about the creation of the earth and have been passed from generation to generation. However, each culture and each region has its own stories about the creation. They are unique in some way but still share the same themes that are universal to many civilizations. We will write a custom essay sample on Popul Vuh or any similar topic only for you Order Now Almost all the themes talk about how we and everything on earth were created or how the universe and humanity developed. Two of the most popular creation stories are the Book of Genesis and the Popol Vuh. While the Genesis and Popol Vuh are different in the way God created iving things and their explanation of creation, their similarities are important because they tell us how everything come from and the people’s belief in Gods. First of all, the Genesis creation myth is known as one part of the Hebrew Bible that explains how God created human and living things. Therefore, their entire traditional stories seem as the views of a monotheistic world, praising one, all-perfect deity. Genesis focuses mainly on the relationship between God and humans beings in the earth. While the Popol Vuh is one of the Maya creation stories and also showed the perspectives of a polytheistic culture, believing and living under various Gods. In this story, the Gods tried to create something that would praise them and thanks to them. In Genesis myth, God created man and woman to live and love each other. However, one strict rule that Gods did not want them to violate was not to eat an apple from the Tree of Knowledge in the Garden of Eden. Of every tree in the garden thou mayest freely eat: but one of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou halt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die. †(Genesis 67). Meanwhile, in the Popol Vuh, Gods did not create human at first. Instead, they created animals first and then they created mud people and wood people secondly. Gods finally created humans who made from the corn and have the shape exac tly like what human nowadays beings. Unfortunately, in both stories, the creation did not satisfy their creators. They did mistake and fail to meet the Gods’ expectations. For the Genesis, Adam and Eve were nticed by a serpent and ate the fruit anyway even though they were warned before by the God. Feeling angry from their mistake, God forced them out of the Garden and began to be multiplied and full-filled in the earth. From another part of the Genesis, God was unhappy from what he created because the humans at that time were very greedy and did not follow God’s expectations. Therefore, he created a great flood on the earth, destroying everything and killing everyone from this flood. â€Å"l will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth,†¦ or it repenteth me that I have made them. (Genesis 70). In contrast, in the Popol Vuh, when animals, mud people and wood people could not reach Gods ‘expectations because they did not praise the creators as they wanted them to do. Therefore, Gods made a flood to kill all the mud and wood people. â€Å"The manikins, woodcarvings were killed when the Heart of Sky devised a flood f or them. †(Popol Vuh 82). While God in Genesis gave humans a second chance to live by saving life for Noah’s family after destroying everything, Gods in Popol Vuh began to create the corn people after a flood to serve for their desire because they could praise the Gods and did everything that they wanted. as created and how it was ended. Gods in both stories created humans on the earth, gave them food and shelters but also destroyed humans by a great flood as a symbol of their anger when they failed to their expectations. One more similarity between two stories that all Gods were selfish and being scared when people gain too much knowledge. For example, in the Genesis, God did not want Adam and Eve at the forbidden fruit because they will know everything about the nature as the Gods were doing. While in the Popol Vuh, when the Gods saw the corn people were very intelligent and perfect after created, so they felt threatened by the corn people as they would be more powerful than them. miet they’ll become as great as gods, unless they procreate, proliferate at the sowing, the dawning, unless they increase. †(Popol Vuh 85). In order to solve this problem, Gods took away some In conclusion, even though the Book of Genesis and the Popol Vuh were written by wo different cultures, they also have some similarities in general such as the creation of the flood and human’s knowledge. However, their myths were also different in some way. For the Genesis, God Just wanted people to live happily and healthily on the earth while the Gods in the Popol Vuh stories want people to praise for their merit and keep their day together. Therefore, as we can see that the differences between two stories are very important because they showed us how different cultures and regions affect human’s life and thinking about their creation. How to cite Popul Vuh, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
The Connections between the MEAA Code of Ethics and Three Philosophical Traditions
The MEAA code of ethics is based upon the traditional concepts of moral theories. The main concepts of the social contract theory, the utilitarian theory and the virtue theory can be used or explaining the main principles of the journalist professional code and providing a deeper insight into its basic aspects, namely truth telling, respecting the human dignity and the interests of others and taking the responsibility for the outcome of professional activity.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Connections between the MEAA Code of Ethics and Three Philosophical Traditions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The social contract theory which was developed by Thomas Hobbes in his work The Leviathan in 1651 justifies the existence of government as a means of protecting the community from the destruction caused by the natural conflicts of interests. Comparing the government to a mythological sea creature, Hobbes and his followers claim that in the primitive condition defined as the state of nature, humans would quarrel and destroy the whole world.[1] Every member of the community has to follow the rules outlined in the social contract for preventing the disaster and securing their survival. The principles of the social contract theory can be applied for explaining the principle of MEAA code of ethics which obliges journalists to disclose the conflicts of interests which can affect the accuracy of their professional activity.[2] Hobbes’ explanation of the basic ethical forms as the necessary means for preserving the peaceful coexistence of all individuals is relevant to the journalists’ ethical code because of their professional role in the community. The utilitarian moral theory which was formulated by Bentham and presented in his Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation in 1789 evaluates every human action through determining the usefulness of its outcome. Using the r ationale for evaluating the moral actions through measuring the pleasures and pains cause by them, this theory is also known as the utilitarian calculus.[3] Bentham’s theory was criticized as Godless and skeptical because of its rejection of more traditional moral principles. The mechanism of the utilitarian calculus can be used for complying with the principle of MEAA code of ethics which says that journalists should not exploit people’s ignorance of the media practice.[4] Thus, in every individual situation, journalists should evaluate the possible outcomes of their professional activities, taking into account all the pleasures and pains caused by their professional to all the sides of the process. The virtue theory can be regarded as one of the oldest with its roots going to the ancient Greek philosophy, for example, Sophocles’ tragedy Oedipus Rex, showing the negative consequences of the main character’s moral decay. The virtue theory was developed by Aristotle, particularly in his work The Nichomachean Ethics in which he defines the main eleven virtues as the means for controlling the human desires and avoiding the negative effects of going to the extremes.[5]Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Treating the moral virtue as the central concept of ethics, Aristotle explains its value for defining and avoiding the hazards of excess or deficiency of certain qualities. The virtue theory can be applied for explaining the importance of the principle of fair correction of errors as a method of continuing self-improvement and development of virtue qualities and achieving the end goal of happiness.[6] The principles of truth telling, showing respect for human dignity, treating other people’s interests equally to your own and selecting the responsible means for obtaining and using the materials as the main underpins of journalistic eth ical code can be explained through the implementation of the main concepts of the three above-mentioned moral theories. Thus, the social contract theory would explain the importance of truth-telling in terms of observing one of the conditions of the agreement and preventing the conflicts. The utilitarian theory allows using the utilitarian calculus for measuring the pains and pleasures of using the verified and trustful information in every individual situation. According to the virtue theory, truth telling can be defined as a moral virtue itself which is important for the journalist’s spiritual growth and approaching his/her personal happiness as the end goal of every person’s existence. The aspect of showing the respect for human dignity can be justified by the basic principles of the moral theories. Thus, in terms of the social contract theory, this principle can be interpreted as an obligatory condition required for fulfilling he professional functions without offe nding somebody’s feelings and consequently preventing the possible conflicts. The utilitarian approach can be used for explaining the benefits of showing the respect for the dignity of others, including the colleagues, interviewees and participants of journalist surveys. Measuring the benefits of preserving good relationship and doing no harm against the reduction of the chances to capture the audience’s attention and bearing in mind the above-mentioned aspect of telling the truth, professionals will be able to improve the outcome of their activities and find the moral justification for their decisions.[7] The virtue theory would explain the importance of respecting human dignity as one of the moral virtues required for not going into the extremes of hurting somebody’s dignity or overemphasizing the role of the respondents’ feelings in case if telling the truth would hurt them to certain extent. The aspect of treating the interests of other people equally with their own is important for complying with the journalist ethical code and celebrating the moral values in professional experience. The social contract theory would view this principle as the necessary condition for ensuring the peaceful interaction of journalists with their colleagues, employers and the community in general. For example, plagiarizing and distorting the facts for the purpose of receiving the gains at the expense of others is inadmissible for the journalist professionals.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The Connections between the MEAA Code of Ethics and Three Philosophical Traditions specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The utilitarian theory allows evaluating the positive and negative consequences of making a concrete professional decision, taking into account the significance of treating the others’ interests equal to their own. The virtue theory would define account of the interests o f other members of the community as the virtue of altruism required for making the professional activity a part of the overall life strategy for achieving the primary goal of happiness. The aspect of taking the responsibility for the effects of professional activity by implementing the most appropriate strategies can be justified by the moral theories. Hobbes’ social contract theory would explain this aspect with the importance of predicting the consequences of one’s actions for minimizing the risks of conflicts and preserving the peaceful coexistence of the community members through their collaborative efforts. The utilitarian theory allows weighing all pros and cons of implementing the fair and honest methods in every individual situation. However, the results achieved from the utilitarian calculus will not diminish the importance of following this principle of the ethical code, but rather would provide the rationale for acting in accordance with the code. Regarding the virtue theory, it would appraise fair methods as the only possible way of achieving success in not only professional domain but also personal development. In general, it can be concluded that the traditional concepts of moral theories are preserved in the journalist ethical code, and the social contract, utilitarian and virtue theory can be applied for explaining the importance and benefits of ethical conduct in professional environment. Reference List Fieser, J 2001, Moral philosophy through the ages, Mayfield Publishing Company, Mountain View. Rachels, J Rachels S 2006, The elements of moral philosophy, McGraw-Hill, New York. Research Journalism, MEAA code of ethics. Web.Advertising Looking for essay on philosophy? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Footnotes Fieser, J 2001, Moral philosophy through the ages, Mayfield Publishing Company, Mountain View, 94. Research Journalism n.d., MEAA code of ethics, Fieser, 194. MEAA code of ethics Fieser, 36. MEAA code of ethics Rachels, J Rachels S 2006, The elements of moral philosophy, McGraw-Hill, New York, 147. This essay on The Connections between the MEAA Code of Ethics and Three Philosophical Traditions was written and submitted by user Triston Vega to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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